Construction 4.0

Construction 4.0 (Wang et al., 2021) represents the exploration of new technologies in the AEC industry. The rapid development of digital technologies and their adoption have a significant impact on construction projects, leading to, for example, reduced change orders, better decision-making and improvements in the quality of work. Five precepts can be mentioned (ITAINNOVA):

  • The interoperability of human and material means through the use of IoT, cloud computing and robotics.
  • The virtualization of construction processes to improve them.
  • The decentralization of decision-making through the use of information in real time.
  • A clear orientation towards customer service, giving it the leading role in all phases of a project.
  • Modularity to maximize the flexibility of the response on site.


  • DIGITAL TWINS : Digital Twins aim to achieve synchronization of the real world with a virtual platform for seamless management and control of the construction process, facilities management, environmental monitoring, and other life-cycle processes in the built environment..
  • ROBOTICS: The automation of construction processes will bring with it new robotic equipment that will reduce accident rates and substantially improve productivity in Construction 4.0.
  • INTERNET OF THINGS: The sensorization of works in its different phases makes a multitude of information available that can be used, treated appropriately, for decision-making on site, or in the business.
  • BIG DATA: The new mass data processing techniques solve the existing potential in taking advantage of the enormous amount of data generated by a work.
  • CLOUD COMPUTING: The immense computing resources currently offered by the cloud give the opportunity to have information processed in real time and anywhere in the world.
  • VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY: Immersive technologies offer visual resources that will facilitate decision-making on site and the sharing of information between relocated professionals.
  • SIMULATION: The emergence of BIM centralizes the information of the works and provides a common framework accepted by all the actors for the virtualization and simulation of various scenarios for decision making (AI and Data Analytics).
  • CYBERSECURITY: The arrival of ‘blockchain’ technology enables the creation of new business models based on the value of things and construction 4.0 can apply this technology, among others, in the development of new forms of relationship with the public administration or for new models of financing works.
  • 3D PRINTING: With the appearance of construction material printers, new opportunities are created related to personalization, on-site manufacturing and productivity and response time.
  • VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION: The digital transformation of the business improves its integration, both at the supply chain level and at the product level.

GENpredictive conceived from its own skills and from the NET is prepared to offer cutting-edge solutions to construction systems, to maximize the benefits of the organization through the tools of the fourth industrial revolution applied to construction. The objective is to improve yields by transforming the artisanal and dependent workforce into automated and intelligent industrialized processes.